Haka Rongo Aio

3 Year Formation



Te Putake - the grounding

May 2025-March 2028 (21 days per year)


Fully booked! Waiting list still open!


Next 3 Year Formation June 2028 - March 2031



Interviews with Te Puawai Students









 This Formation, held in France and Switzerland, is for anyone 

who feels the calling to be part of a meaningful community were each one is committed to working on oneself to transform, to effect peace.

Inner peace creates outer peace.


The practical aim is to develop one's own tools, personal and/or professional

to bring the sacred into everyday life, and guides you toward manifesting your dreams.


 Based on Tikanga Maori (Maori traditional value system) Te Ao Maori (Maori world view), the Yoga of Integral Learning and Intuitive Action, the Celtic and Cosmic Traditions enriched with many elements from personal journeys and studies.


During these three years you will be guided by Ojasvin and Waimaania,

the founders of Grandmothers Healing Haka Practice and Haka Rongo Aio 3-Year Formation. 



Tikanga Maori * Virtues

Te Ao Maori – Maori Worldview * Cosmic Tradition * Celtic Tradition

Mau Rakau – the long stick * Healing Haka® * Rituals * Waiata - Song * Karakia - Prayer * Whanau - Family

Presentation of the Formation, Questions & Answers


Ojasvin & Waimaania interviewed by Jennifer Meynard

Haka Rongo Aio


Te Tipu




Here is a little glimpse of an incredible journey with TE TIPU=growth,

from our sacred journey about Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship and Kōkiritanga – Initiation, where through these challenging times we could live the Tikanga – Virtues and experience Whanau – Family.


Formations are held in France and Switzerland,

open internationally (In English with French translation)


Current Formation Haka Rongo Aio Te Puawai - the blossom June 2022-2025


Formation Haka Rongo Aio Te Tipu - the sprout  2019-2022


Completed Formation Haka Rongo Aio Te Kakano - the seed  2016-2019




After experiencing these four Haka Rongo Aio days together, I continue to be filled with joy and light. With this link that we weave between the physical as well as the invisible. With our goodwill to create harmony in learning from our mistakes and our ignorance, which gradually disappears thanks to our realizations.

Arohanui D. HRA Te Tipu

Thank you for all those moments of precious sharing and all the teachings. I experienced a very intense, very profound week; I have the feeling of approaching something very precious and I thank you for that. 

A. HRA Te Kakano

